Tuesday, 22 May 2012

10 months and a week!

Well we haven't written a new post for a shamefully long time.  We have swapped the tranquility and canals of Venice for the bright lights and noise of Hong Kong and have been here 3 months setting up our new home and adjusting to our new life.  So far, so good!

Beau is adjusting extremely well.  He seems extremely happy and content here, so maybe he is a city boy at heart.  What we love about Hong Kong is that even living in the chaos of the city, you are only 10 minutes by taxi to the tranquility of the beach, or greenery and the great outdoors.  We are very fortunate that in a city where 99% of the population live in apartments, we are right next to lovely green Victoria Park which Beau absolutely loves, so it's pretty much become our back garden.

Beau is now 10 months and 1 week, and although he never paid that much attention to crawling has started to walk.  He just won't sit down any more, and spends all his day clinging upright to furniture, dragging chairs across the room by their legs, and being a very busy boy!!!!! He can manage a good 10-15 steps now, and is desperately trying to stand upright without having to hold onto things.

3 weeks ago, we enrolled him in a playgroup for 2 hours on a Friday, soon to be 2 hours on a Tuesday and 2 on a Friday.  He was so shy when he first went, but by week 3 he is getting into his stride and is getting much more interactive with the other children.  He's happy to wonder off a bit by himself for a few minutes giving only the occasional glance back just to make sure one of us is still in the room.

We cannot believe that our minds are now turning to planning his first birthday party, who stole this year?????? It's whizzed by in a flash!  Yet it seems so long ago that we had a tiny tiny baby with a floppy head on a not very string neck who could spend an hour trying to labour through a 2ounce bottle of formula....  To free up some space, we recently boxed away his first few months clothes, and inevitably spent a lot of time ooh-ing and ahh-ing over 'was he really THAT small?'

Because we both work, we have needed to employ a full time helper, Heidee, and she is wonderful with Beau.  But fortunately, we both now work for the same company in China, and spend a few days a week working from home, with a couple of days each a week working in Mainland China.  But fortunately our director is very supportive of us, and try their best to make sure that one of us can be at home when the other is away and vice versa, so this is working extremely well to date.... plus we have a work trip to Italy coming up and we've been allowed to 'tag on' a weeks vacation to this so we are really looking forward to some family time together somewhere more tranquil.

Although Beau has been brilliant on all the flights we've taken so far, we are a bit concerned how well he will now be on a 12 hour flight as he just doesn't want to sit down for any particular period of time.  Finger's crossed it will be ok!!!!!!

Huge HUGE congratulations to those who have celebrated the births of their beautiful children, Doug and Bill, Jason and Adrian to name a few, and a particular shout out to Avey and Hari who seem to be doing great in Delhi dealing with the 3 months in Delhi us Brits have to endure to get our babies home.

And finally, apologies for being terrible bloggers, we try our best to find the time to 'drop in' on everyone's blogs and send all our friends in the blogosphere a hug and a high five from Beau x


  1. Whoa! He's HUGE :)
    Great to hear from you guys!

  2. Beau doesn't look like a little 10month old, he looks more like a little toddler man, a cutie too. My how time passes so quickly. Glad to hear from you all, you look and sound happy and content.

  3. He is perfect in every way!

  4. Beau is becoming the little man.......Continued good wishes!!
